Apparently, not satisfied with forbidding their patch to be redistributed, and using a obscure format, they also decided not to link or mention in the readme or forums what and where is the tool to apply the patch, and decided that it was a fine idea instead to threaten in the readme to 'stop releasing new versions if we find a patch redistributor' because 'it's plagiarism' (guess they did ahah). So where to get the actual patch(es).ħ0% 'done' is harsh too. That patch seems to only have a obviously bot generated link in a google docs document, that is more likely to be a pirate iso wrapped in malware than anything else (*checks* yes. Moreover, there seems to be a russian 'patch to the patch' if my google wanderings are correct, 'Front mission 2 patch brill fix v 1.1' although deciphering what is actually fixed is beyond me. net respected the wishes of the authors not to host their patch, there are essentially no versions of it i can find on the net. Sorry to bump this but the download link for this is dead, and as romhacking. Head over to their homepage for patches and news updates. They also released a prototype patch for Front Mission Alternative.

In the meantime the team included a text version of the script so those who can't wait can read from it while playing the untranslated bits. The whole script has been translated and the remaining parts are awaiting insertion. They just released a patch for Front Mission 2 that translated about 70% of the game. Update By: KaioShin The folks behind the Front Mission 5 patch are still working on making the rest of the franchise (not just the games!) available in English. Visit my site at if you're interested in MMOs ^^. Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness DS trailer.