Wandering again to a city that didn't know her face, Zero had encountered a man whose name she doesn't remember. Zero decided to only take as much money as she needed from then on. She also pocketed all the money she could, but was robbed by bandits later on, barely escaping from being sold into prostitution again. Eventually, she decided to kill everyone in the brothel and to make an escape by herself. Zero was caught by people from the brothel and brought back. Indigo and him were determined to kill Zero, as Indigo revealed she only needed her to carry away more gold. As they ran out of town, a regular costumer of Indigo was waiting for them by the town gate. They decided to steal as much gold from the brothel as they could carry. She once teamed up with a fellow prostitute girl she trusted and decided to call Indigo (based on the color of her eyes). Her mother sold her off when she was a child to prostitution. She accepted long ago that she was an unwanted child and a bothersome pest to her mother's livelihood. Zero reasoned that her mother was only raising her in the only way she knew and didn't blame her mother for her cruelty. Her mother would whip her back constantly until she lost all sensations on it. Her oldest memory is her abusive mother yelling at her. Zero is a nickname she has no real given name. She briefly shows moments of melancholy if they should die for her, but spares them no mercy if they should betray her. While she mostly either ignores or threatens them, Zero does have some fondness for the disciples she takes on after killing their original mistresses. She eventually becomes attached to him with maternal endearment. Over the course of their adventure, however, Zero's feelings for him soften as she instructs and relies on him. She initially feels emotionally detached from Mikhail –since the two dragons are completely different from one another– and refuses to call him by name she insists that Michael is the only one who can have that right. Zero is haunted by her dreams of their time together after his death. The two partners were close and understood one another well. Michael was the only being Zero had trusted. In the English script, she is far more foul-mouthed, and her voice actress Platt uses a harsher tone than Uchida. Her haughtiness is occasionally mocked and played for laughs, especially when she appears to be confident in herself. When she does this, it's often used as build up for a satirical insult. In the Japanese script, she has a quirk for flippantly switching to polite language. Often apathetic and bitter, she is prone to scoffing at anyone or anything which distracts from her main objective. She doesn't care about her own appearance in the slightest, and has little regard for her health due to her ultimate fate. Zero has a violent disposition and is easily irritated, having no tolerance for anything complicated or repetitive. She gains a distinctive flower growing out of her right eye, which continues to grow. Zero is on a killing spree and relentlessly hunting her sisters.

She is the eldest and the most powerful of the Intoners. She is an Intoner, one who is gifted with the ability to manipulate magic through songs. No information Zero, also known as Rose is the main heroine of the video game, Drakengard.