Of course I couldn't suggest throwing it away in the outside trashcan, she was so proud of it! So after ohhing and ahhing over Little Girl's very sparkly creation when I picked her up at school, casually asking her if she'd left any glitter for the other kids to use, and noticing the new gilded state of my vehicle after transporting the artwork home, I knew I had to do some fast thinking to keep that paper from ever entering our home! NEVER underestimate the power of glitter! The pretzels are store-bought white chocolate coated pretzels, then blue icing is piped down the body of the butterfly, a raspberry m&m is the head, and I couldn't find thin enough licorice for the antennae, so that is made from som e candy fruit rope stuff I found and then cut into short strips.įriends, that's about three-fourths of a cup of glitter right there on that yellow paper! This is not my first time around the mother-of-a-preschooler block, so I KNOW that a paper coming home from school with that much glitter will mean MONTHS of finding gold glitter all over my house! I am not exaggerating. These turned out pretty cute and were yummy, too - I'm a sucker for sweet and salty so the mixture of chocolate, icing and candy, with pretzels thrown in was really good! And it happened to go perfectly with the theme I'd gone with for the goody bags because it was what I happened to f ind at the Dollar Store - butterflies! And ever since Africa took hold of our hearts, and children living in poverty, children dying of poverty, there are just many things I have a hard time spending money on these days, especially when I could just put in a little work and make cupcakes for a fraction of the cost of the bakery ones.īut, I wanted the cupcakes to be cute and had a hard time figuring out what to do to make them more special than just icing and sprinkles.įinally I got a great idea for decorating the cupcakes here. I was really tempted to order her cupcakes from a bakery because we'd been so busy, but I also like to have cake to offer the parents at the party, so getting the number needed plus extras to be sure I had enough started to add up the price. Thankfully she is not yet Americanized enough to request a theme beyond that! She wanted chocolate cupcakes with pink icing. It's been a few weeks, but before I forget altogether, I thought I'd share the cupcakes I made for Little Girl's birthday. We run out of energy and patience and thankfulness and get caught up in our own selfishness. He set her in our family and He is an amazing healer and creator of families! We fail so many times in so many ways, like on my "choose a book from the short-book shelf" night. It's why I cringe when people tell my husband and me how great we are for adopting Little Girl. I deserve her to pray, "God, next time please give me a nicer Mommy." That's what I deserve. "Oh Lord, I don't deserve this!" Really, I don't. She prayed thanking God that she is so happy in her family! I mean wasn't it just a stall tactic? But a very advanced tactic for a 4 year old because who can deny a child who asks to pray?Īnd she prays (she used her own name in the place of "Little Girl" but since I don't share my kids real names on this blog, I'm substituting), "Dear God, thank you that Little Girl is so happy in her family."Īnd suddenly I can't breathe. I said a very quick prayer and then she asked, "Can I pray?" I sighed way too audibly. On this night there were no feelings of awe or thankfulness for this little girl who we were desperately trying to bring home from Ethiopia this time last year. I read too fast, hastily turned off the light, started her music, and settled Little Girl in my lap with her blanket to rock for a few minutes. The bottom shelf has the board books, the super short, one sentence per page with a total of 8 to 10 pages. I could not wait to get them in bed! But first it was storytime and Little Girl reached to pick a book from the 3rd shelf, the one with the longer books, "No, pick one from the bottom shelf." I quickly corrected.

Whereas many days I might delight in their stories and antics, today it all just brought irritation. I was short with everyone, impatient, and just no fun at all. Somehow we made it through baths and pajamas and teeth brushing and lotion.

The kind of day when there was such a string of frustrating events that you just want to get in bed and pull the covers up over your head, but you can't, because there are four children to put to bed and your husband is working late or out of town. The kind of days as a mother when you see your children less as the precious, adorable gifts that they are, and more as the most annoying people on earth. The kind where you are just done, DONE by 7pm.